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Organic Lavender Oil

Lavandula angustifolia. ²Lavender is a perennial herb plant that has long stems covered in buds and blooms of varying shapes and colors. Leaves from the Lavender plant can be silvery gray to bright green, while its blooms range from deep violet to a blue-violet, soft pink (Lavandula angustifolia 'Rosea'), and sometimes white (Lavandula intermedia). Lavender plants grow similarly to a bush and typically range from 1-3 feet across; some varieties can grow even larger. ¹When distilled into an essential oil, Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils used in aromatherapy. It promotes relaxation and is believed to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps. In essential oil practices, it is purported to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties, as well as antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifying, hypotensive, and sedative effects.

Used In: Lavender Salve.

Common Uses For Lavender Oil

To Help With Acne.

Lavender oil works to kill bacteria, and this can prevent and heal acne breakouts. It unclogs pores and reduces inflammation when you put it on your skin. To use lavender oil for acne, dilute it in coconut oil or another carrier oil, and apply it to your skin after washing your face.

To Soothe Eczema & Dry Skin.

Eczema can show up anywhere on your body. With eczema, your skin gets dry, itchy, and scaly. It can appear mild or chronic and in multiple locations. Since lavender has antifungal properties and reduces inflammation, it can help keep eczema at bay.

To Help Treat Psoriasis.

Lavender oil can also be used to treat psoriasis. The lavender oil helps cleanse your skin and lessen redness and irritation.To use this essential oil for eczema, mix two drops with an equal amount of tea tree oil, along with two teaspoons of coconut oil. You can use it daily.

To Better Your Health.

Lavender Oil is purported to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties, as well as antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifying, hypotensive, and sedative effects.

Sources: ¹ Silva GL, Luft C, Lunardelli A, et al. Antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of lavender essential oil; An Acad Bras Cienc. 2015;87(2 Suppl):1397-1408. doi:10.1590/0001-3765201520150056; ² Southern Hills Lavender, What is Lavender?,


Lavender essential oil may cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction in some individuals. If you experience nausea, vomiting, or a headache after using lavender, discontinue use immediately.
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